Promise Prayer


I am that I am

I have made peace and open myself to the seen and unseen light of truth.  In surrender of the mind and the will, my soul opens to the unknown of the way before me.

The gifts of my soul have expanded to be shared, in service to All That Is. I remain open in each moment to guidance. I offer my light and love generously.  I am a channel for grace.

I agree to be present in the world, to respect and nurture all living, to encourage and empower, to facilitate Divine connection, to know, see, hear, and speak the Truth. To be who I am.

With this commitment I ask humbly for help from God to clear and release all that is not in alignment, all false beliefs, judgements, resentments, including the attached story lines and descriptions held as proof of these untruths.  I forgive all people, all people forgive me, we all forgive ourselves.

I merge into oneness.

Please God accept these words as symbols of that.  Please God accept me as your humble servant of peace, love, forgiveness. Grant me the support, the resources suited to those strengths within my soul.  My soul as teacher, guide, facilitator of forgiveness. (Here fill in with your unique gifts and connected archetypes…My soul as…)

Through my energy centers of knowing, vision, truth, and love, I choose these words, I choose these symbols, I choose to channel grace, Divine light.

Please God. Thank you God. Amen.