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Mindfulness and Meditation Tools for Spiritual Healing

What would your life be like if you could show up in the world as yourself? With ease. In charge of your personal space and boundaries. Connected with your heart’s desires…

The Meditation Technique Series is for students who want to master their domain. It provides you with mindfulness and energy healing tools necessary to develop the basis for your daily healing meditation practice, and ignite renewal and a life of ease.

Class Descriptions

Class 1 | Command Your Personal Space

  • Enhance your awareness of your personal space and boundaries

  • Experience grounding to release emotions and stress from your body

  • Understand the benefits of present time

Class 2 | Introduction to Your Spiritual Space

  • Gain access to peace of mind for inner guidance and inspiration

  • Introduction to your spiritual space

  • Meditation for healing our sleep hormones

Class 3 | Maintain Your Energy

  • Deeper awareness of your personal space and boundaries

  • Learn techniques to protect yourself from the negativity and draining effects of other people

Class 4 | Protect The Space

  • Naturalize physical spaces for the benefit of all

Class 5 | Shed the Past

  • Learn how our memories are stored

  • Enhance awareness of the corresponding thoughts of some stored memories

  • Experience release of old thoughts and emotions that no longer serve us

  • Gain access to a new perspective on an old hurt

Class 6 | Access New Opportunities

  • Deepen awareness of your heart’s desires

  • Learn techniques to help clear negativity and energy blocking the fulfillment of your heart’s desires

Class 7 | Empower Choice for Your Relationships

  • Gain awareness of your interconnections

  • Understand how we can empower choice for your relationships

Class 8 | Chakra System

  • Explore the chakra system as it relates to your connections

Class 9 | Connect with the Natural World and Flow of Healing

  • Experience harmony with nature

  • Allow a natural flow to assist with healing your body

Class 10 | Connect with Your Higher Self and Flow of Wisdom

  • Enable a connection to your Higher Self

  • Create intentions for healing

  • Review of the series

Before taking Cheryl’s meditation classes, I was constantly anxious and let life’s events negatively control me. I have had about a dozen lessons this past year, each one covering a unique topic that is part of my step-by-step spiritual healing. These sessions and daily meditation have helped me to grow and heal.
Tony G.

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Gain Greater Spiritual Awareness

You may be ready to dedicate 10-15 minutes per day to your meditation practice—or you may just want to gain greater spiritual awareness of yourself.

Either way, you experience the healing and growth that you are open and ready to receive.

  • No previous meditation experience is required.

  • Private classes available during individual sessions

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